Where have I been you ask?
Good question.
Good question.
Lazy, I guess.
Also, without computer access during the day,
because of my new JOB!
Since last week, I've been taking care
of the kiddies at a Birmingham child care center.
My husband claims I'm better utilizing my gifts
as a toddler teacher.
He may just be right.
I really do enjoy playing with kids all day long,
however, I think I will go back to school for that
counseling degree so that I can help prepare
those kiddies for grown up life when they go to
big kid school.
Jesse and I also visited my long lost hometown, Tuscaloosa,
(so long after a week...haha),
(so long after a week...haha),
to celebrate the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II
at our friend's house, where we had a Potter Party.
It was super fun and we got to catch up with old friends.
Afterwards, we stood in line for a while to watch the midnight show!
Even though I felt blah for the whole of the day on Friday,
the movie was so good and I'm so glad we go to see it.

Yes, I fell asleep right after getting home on Friday night. Haha.
Yesterday, Jesse and I (along with Jesse's friend, Nathan)
took a little trippy to Best Buy to get me a new phone.
After using regular phones aka phone/text only for the past 10 years,
I have now switched over to the iPhone.
Oh yeah. It's awesome. You know what else is awesome?
Charlie's BBQ in Odenville and finding out neat facts about Gadsden State Community College.
(Kent State, film from 1981, was filmed there because the board at Kent State wouldn't allow it to be filmed on the original location and GSCC looks astoundingly similar.)
I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well.
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