
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super! Naturally...

Guess who we talked about today at church?
Jesus? Actually, not so much.
Abraham? You're in the right testament this time...
Elijah? You guessed it!

Apparently, I missed one of the best services last week (the first sermon in the series, Supernatural) and caught up a bit when I attended Safe Haven this morning.
Lemme just say...what an awesome message to convey to us, Troy! I haven't given much thought to just allowing "the manifest presence of God in my life," especially not like Elijah and well, that's has just got to cease immediately!

I really appreciate pastors when they outline their sermons and pinpoint specific verses (not taking them out of context, of course).
This particular sermon was based in 1 Kings 17-18,
when we first meet Elijah and see how he closed the gap between
the supernatural God and himself.
Because Elijah was so willing to allow the Lord to work through him, he was blessed tremendously and was able to bless others as well. If you read the entire chapter of 17, the Lord's word to Elijah sustains him. Elijah is able to eat without fear of hunger in the future (ravens and a mother/son duo whose flour and fuel never cease to feed them) and Elijah is also able to resurrect the son after falls ill.
I have no idea if God is going to use me to do miraculous things, but at least I am ready and open to "do according to the Word of the Lord". I am so encouraged to serve Him and am so ready for what He has in store for me this year.
We may be waiting for God, but He may be waiting for us.
Bt-dub, Safe Haven is starting another small group in the coming weeks, where I will be one of the facilitators and hosts. Nice. Target: Post-college career singles. Hope you are interested.

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